Keyboard shortcuts in giosg chat

Communication in the chat happens real time and therefore fast replies are key. Using keyboard shortcuts is a great way to save a second or two.

The available keyboard shortcuts are listed below.

Available everywhere in the console

ALT + ENTER -  Opens the chat dialog with the longest waiting visitor from the swimlane. If no new chats are waiting, the shortcut can be used to open bubbles randomly from the swimlane.

Chat Dialog shortcuts (Available when a chat dialog is active)

ALT + J - If you have two or more chat dialogs open, moves to the dialog on the left

ALT + K - If you have two or more chat dialogs open, moves to the dialog on the right

ESCAPE - Closes the chat dialog (and ends the conversation after 20 seconds)

Canned Answers shortcuts (Available when Canned Answers dialog is visible)

! - Opens canned answers
- Adds a new canned answer by focusing the 'Add new answer' input

ENTER - Adds new Canned Answer if 'Add new answer' is active and it has some text in it, also scrolls to the newly added answer

ESCAPE - Closes the Canned Answers dialog

Tag Editor shortcuts (Available when Tag editor is visible)

# - Opens tags
 - Closes the Tag editor