Keyboard shortcuts for Interaction Builder

Make editing interactions more efficient with shortcuts

Basic element shortcuts


On Windows: Ctrl + Z

On MacOS: Command (⌘) + Z


On Windows: Ctrl + Y

On MacOS: Command (⌘) + Y


Select the elements that need to be cut.

On Windows: Ctrl + X

On MacOS: Command (⌘) + X


Select the elements that need to be copied.

On Windows: Ctrl + C

On MacOS: Command (⌘) + C


On Windows: Ctrl + V

On MacOS: Command (⌘) + V       


  Select the elements you want to delete.

  Press Backspace or Delete.

Move Elements

Select the elements that you want to move.

Move Down:

  • Press to move the elements down by 1 unit.
  • Press Shift + ↓ to move the elements down by 10 units.

Move Up:

  • Press to move the elements up by 1 unit.
  • Press Shift + ↑ to move the elements up by 10 units.

Move Left:

  • Press to move the elements right by 1 unit.
  • Press Shift + ← to move the elements left by 10 units.

Move Right:

  • Press to move the elements right by 1 unit.
  • Press Shift + → to move the elements right by 10 units.

Group elements 

These shortcuts are only available if the grouping feature is enabled for your organization.


Using Shift or Ctrl, hold and select the elements that need to be grouped.

On Windows: Ctrl + Alt + G

On MacOS: Command (⌘) + Option (⌥) + G


Using Ctrl on the group element will directly select the group itself.

On Windows: Ctrl + Alt + Shift + G

On MacOS: Command (⌘) + Option (⌥) + Shift + G