Tagging chats for Agents

Tags are a tool for categorising conversations for reporting purposes. Manager users are responsible for creating tags.

Tags can be used for categorising conversations for reporting purposes. Tags are set by your Manager users (visit this page for more info) and as an Agent, you can then add the appropriate tag(s) for your chats . 

Tag Assignment & Removal

You can manage or assign tags in two ways:

  1. Open the side panel to manage tags.
  2. Type “#” in the input field to quickly launch tag options.

Tags improvement · Tags panel (1)

Agents can:

  • Pick an existing tag or
  • Create new tag

Tags improvement · Searching for a tag with no matches (1)

  • Remove active session tags by clicking the "x" on the chat pill. When you click any other part of the tag pill, the chat will scroll to where the tag was added.
  • Tagging is allowed even after the session has ended.
  • Selecting an active tag will navigate you directly to the point in the chat where that tag was applied.

Tag Creation & Deletion

When an Agent types in the input field:

  • The string will be highlighted if it matches an existing tag.
  • A new tag can be created if no match is found, in case Agent has "Settings" permission.
  • Newly created tags will be available to all agents in the same room.
  • Agents currently cannot delete tags.