AI Chatbot Statistics

A comprehensive guide and overview for AI Chatbot usage

Automation rate: The percentage of chat sessions where customers resolved their questions without requiring a transfer to agent. This value is represented in two ways:

  • Trendline: Shows the daily automation rate for the selected time period.
  • Average: Shows the average automation rate for the selected time period. 


Chatbot-supported chats: The percentage of chat sessions where the chatbot was involved in helping resolve customer inquiry. This value is represented in two ways:

  • Trendline: Shows the daily chatbot-supported chats for the selected time period.
  • Average: Shows the average chatbot-supported chats for the selected time period. 

Automation level summary:  A table displaying the break down of chatbot usage organized in the following columns from left to right: 

  • Chatbot only: The percentage of chats handled solely by the chatbot.
  • Chatbot & agent: The percentage of chats handled by the combination of chatbot and agent. 
  • Agent only: The percentage of chats handled solely by the agent. 
  • Chatbot supported chats: The sum of the chatbot only & chatbot & agent percentages.


Chat session overview:  A table displaying the break down of all chat sessions per day for the following metrics: 

  • Chats: The total number of chats had for a specific day.
  • Chatbot-supported: The total number of chats where the chatbot assisted in the conversation for a specific day. 
  • Chatbot only: The total number of chats where customers resolved their questions without requiring a transfer to agent for a specific day. 
  • Chatbot & agent: The total number of chats handled by the combination of chatbot and agent for a specific day.  
  • Agent Only: The total number of chats handled by the agent alone for a specific day.