Interaction Builder reporting

See how your interactions are used by your website visitors by monitoring the Interactions-report

Click data for interactions can be found in the Interaction Builder by selecting an interaction and then clicking Reporting. 

You can see from the report: 

  • how many times the interaction has been shown (sessions)
  • overall clicks ("interacted")
  • how many visitors have closed the interaction
  • how the clicks are divided between the different buttons

Note! If the “Exit” action has not been used in that interaction, the X % will be zero. Make sure that your buttons that close or minimize the interaction are clearly labeled and check the close % separately from the button clicks.


The data is collected over the selected date range. Only elements that were present in the interaction during the entirety of the date range will appear in the report. If the element has been present in other versions than the selected version during the date range, that data is also shown. However if some elements are removed or created between versions, that data is not showing in the flow report.