This article covers:
Users → Chat statistics report
Terminology used in the Custom reports → Chat logs report
General terms
Real chats: Chats with at least one message from the visitor and two from the agent (autosuggest messages not included).
Visitors: Unique daily visitors (identified with cookies).
Session: A visit on the website. The same visitor can visit your site several times during a day, meaning that the number of sessions (visits) is typically slightly higher than the number of visitors.
Users → Chat statistics
See the "Users and chat statistics report" guide for explanations on the different metrics and terms in the report.
Custom reports → Chat logs
Active duration: The time between the first and last message of the conversation, reduced with all breaks over 60 seconds. If the time between two messages is for example 1 min 30 sec, the 30 sec is not included in Active duration.
Average wait time before replies: How long on average did it take for the agent to answer each visitor message during the chat conversation. This looks at all messages in the conversation.
Chat duration: The time between the first and last message of the conversation.
Chat sales: If the visitor made a purchase within 24h of chatting it is reported as chat sales (requires giosg Basket)
Chatlog: The chatlog includes the actual content of the chat conversation, meaning all the messages sent by all users involved in the chat and other activities that happened during the chat.
Chatsession & chatsession uuid: Technical identifiers for a chat conversation.
End time: The time of the last message in the conversation.
Is autosuggested: The visitor got an autosuggest (proactive automated message) before they started chatting if "is autosuggested" is reported to be "true".
Is real conversation: Real conversations have at least 3 messages in them; 2 from the agent and 1 from the visitor. Autosuggest messages are not included.
Message count: Total number of messages in the chat.
Operator: The name(s) of the operators/agents that participated in the chat.
Operator message count: The number of messages sent by the operator/agent to the chat.
Start time: The time of the first message in the chat
Start url & Start url title: The page that the visitor was on when they sent their first message is seen as the Start url
Tags: Tags used in the chat (read more about tags here)
Visitor: Technical identifier for the visitor
Visitor message count: The number of messages sent by the visitor to the chat
Wait time before reply: How long did it take for the visitor to get the first response from your company. This is calculated as the time between the visitor's first message and your agent's first message.
Interactions report
See the "Interaction Builder reporting" guide for explanations on the different metrics and terms in the report.