Keyboard shortcuts

Efficient communication in a real-time chat environment is crucial. Implementing keyboard shortcuts is an excellent method to save valuable seconds, contributing to the overall speed and effectiveness of our interactions.

There are different kind of shortcuts available in Chat 2.0:

  • Available when giosg chat window is open:

Alt + Enter -  Opens the chat dialog with the longest waiting visitor notification.

On Windows:

Ctrl + Shift + F - Focus mode 
Ctrl + Shift + M - Mute chat; 2nd click Unmute
Ctrl + Shift + L - Leave chat
Ctrl + Shift + E - End chat

Subsequent “Esc” closes the chat window in case the chat is already ended, both in Visitor & Internal chats. If the chat isn’t ended, “Esc” minimises the chat window.

On macOS:

Cmd + Shift + F - Focus mode 
Cmd + Shift + M - Mute chat; 2nd click Unmute
Cmd + Shift + L - Leave chat
Cmd + Shift + E - End chat 

Subsequent “Esc” closes the chat window in case the chat is already ended, both in Visitor & Internal chats. If the chat isn’t ended, “Esc” minimises the chat window.

  • Following shortcuts are available when at least 2 chat dialogs are active.

On Windows:

Shift + Ctrl + left arrow - Moves to the dialog on the left.

Shift + Ctrl + right arrow - Moves to the dialog on the right.

On macOS:

Shift + Cmd + left arrow - Moves to the dialog on the left.

Shift + Cmd + right arrow - Moves to the dialog on the right.

  • These shortcuts can be used to directly activate the following features:
  • Basic syntax shortcuts both on Agent and Visitor side:
